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Listen to Mo'I tell his story

These three interviews are one hour each. Enjoy

click the photo to hear the interview


 1.   Who is the Mo'I

Moi describes his history, the way He found out He had a very important Hawaiian Royal Lineage, and explains His  lifetime of preparing His heart while documenting His family's genealogy. 


2.  More details about Exhibits and Proclamation

Moi gets into the details of what and why He had to study Hawaiian laws, old constitutions, real history, lost documents and His bloodline in order to be the King and Mo'i He is today.


3.  Future of the Kingdom 

In this interview, Mo'I speaks about his plans to return abundance to our Island home and restore the Kingdom of Hawaii for all our children... no matter where we were born and no matter our race, creed or religion. 

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